
Notices - recent

Escrick community fibre upgrade - community meeting

published on 21st Sep 2023

Factco are hosting a community meeting on Wednesday 11 October. 

This meeting will allow residents to speak one-on-one with their team, including FACTCO Managing Director Adrian Marshman and representatives from their build partner, RuralFibre4U.


Wednesday, 11 October

3:30 pm to 6:30 pm


Escrick and Deighton Social Club

59 Main Street

YO19 6LQ


Up for Yorkshire Community Transport - Volunteer Driver Recruitment Campaign

published on 29th Aug 2023


This notice was last updated on 29th Aug 2023.

From Up for Yorkshire:

We are writing to you from the local charity ‘Up for Yorkshire’. Our overarching aim is to enable the voluntary and community sector to grow and to flourish, whilst also supporting an inclusive community for everyone. 

Community Transport provides flexible and accessible community-led solutions in response to unmet local transport needs. Sustained by an incredible team of volunteer drivers, our aim is to support individuals to stay independent, participate in their communities and access vital public services and employment.

Since Covid, our volunteer driver numbers have dropped by over 50%, and like so much of the voluntary sector across the country, volunteer recruitment is a challenge. We are wanting to offer additional opportunities for access to Community Transport, but to do this, we need to recruit more volunteer drivers, to help meet the demand. We have attached to this email, the digital versions of some of the hard-copy materials that are currently on the way to you by post.  If you could share this via your local online platforms, that would be fantastic.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss anything further, or would like to arrange for a member of our team to come and see you, or for you to come and see us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can find out more about us by visiting our website:

Community Transport Flyer

Well-Come Pop Up

Volunteer Drivers Flyer


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Escrick waste treatment facility update

published on 29th Aug 2023


This notice was last updated on 29th Aug 2023.

Please find below the link to the Environment Agency Citizen Space page to provide further information on the odour incident from the Acumen Facility.

Escrick Waste Treatment Facility - Environment Agency - Citizen Space (

They have produced an FAQ section following comments received from members of the community when reporting the odour issue to their incident hotline and enquiry services team. At the bottom of the page they have included the Compliance Assessment Report (CAR) forms that have been issued following their inspections. In addition a copy of the Acumen site Environmental Permit is available for your awareness.

Bin collections in the Selby area - industrial strike action

published on 28th Jul 2023


This notice was last updated on 28th Jul 2023.

Urbaser Industrial Strike Action 28.07.23.docxPlease find attached the latest update on the bin collections in the Selby area. 

Waste collection strike action disruption

published on 8th Jun 2023 (updated on 4th Jul 2023)


This notice was last updated on 4th Jul 2023.

North Yorkshire Council have issued the following information regarding waste collections this week: 

As we are on residual waste this week, resources have been redeployed to ensure that all of these rounds are completed as planned.  This means that there are fewer garden waste rounds operating and we do anticipate some roll-over which may continue through the week.

Where there is rollover, residents will be advised to leave their green bin out and that it will be collected first thing the next day.  We will be updating the website and social media throughout the day.

All commercial waste, street cleansing and grounds maintenance rounds have been deployed as scheduled.

Escrick Parish Magazine

published on 6th Jun 2023


This notice was last updated on 6th Jun 2023.

The June edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online! Here is the link: EPM June 2023.

Safeguarding Week 19 – 23 June 2023

published on 25th May 2023


This notice was last updated on 25th May 2023.

Sign up for your Safeguarding Week sessions: Safeguarding Week 19 – 23 June 2023

A virtual, online conference will take place between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd June to mark Safeguarding Week 2023.

‘Once again it is a real privilege to represent the work of the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership as we stride towards safeguarding week commencing on the 19thh June through to the 23rd.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our partnership to raise general awareness across a number of strategic priorities by providing a spread of events that span Community Safety, Prevent and Domestic Abuse during this week. This is an incredible opportunity for all to gain knowledge, confidence and skills in managing this key area that affects so many within our community.’

ACC Scott Bisset, Chair of North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership 

In North Yorkshire, North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership are hosting a number of sessions in relation to Domestic Abuse and Prevent as outlined below:

Monday 19th June

  • Motivating Behaviour Change in Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse 10am-12pm, this workshop will explore the work of domestic abuse perpetrator programmes, focussing on the journey of change, motivation, challenges, and looking at dual allegations within domestic abuse relationships.
  • Raising Awareness of the CSAAS (Children's Sexual Abuse Assessment Service) 11am-12pm, this session will focus on the service’s pathways in cases for both paediatric acute and non-recent sexual abuse. In addition, focus on the importance and facilities available for children and young people who has disclosed non-recent sexual abuse and the support that can be provided at the SARC.
  • Respect Session - to include CAPVA 1-2pm, this workshop will explore Child & Adolescent to Parent Violence & Abuse – looking at the prevalence of it, who experience it, how does it differ from adult to adult domestic abuse, what prevents people reporting it, what do we do when we have a family who are experience.
  • The Whole Family Approach to Domestic Abuse 2-4pm, this workshop will explore multi-agency work contributing to a whole family approach to domestic abuse.
  • Introduction to Prevent for Education Settings Twilight Session 4.30- 6pm, this session is aimed at those who work within education settings and provides an introduction to Prevent and will cover the threats/risks as outlined in the Counter Terrorism Local Profile (CTLP).  It will explore websites, literature, signs and symbols to be aware of, the radicalisation process and also heightens awareness of those who are vulnerable to being drawn towards terrorism.

 Tuesday 20th June

  • HALO Safeguarding & Supporting Minoritised Women 9.30-11.30am, this session will explore the challenges and barriers to safeguarding Black and minoritised women and girls from diverse communities who are victims of domestic and sexual violence.
  • Induction to Prevent (Pt 1) 10-11am, this awareness session will cover strategy and legislation, including CONTEST, Counter Terrorism and Security Act and Prevent Duty, giving detail of both the national counter terrorism threats and North Yorkshire and York context and risks, signs and symbols used by the Far Right and how to make a Prevent referral in North Yorkshire

Wednesday 21st June

  • Domestic Abuse in Rural Communities 10-11am, this session will explore the barriers domestic abuse victims face in our rural communities. People often think that rural areas of North Yorkshire are safe and domestic abuse is within the cities and towns.
  • Non-fatal Strangulation 1-2pm, presented jointly by North Yorkshire Police and IDAS, this session will explore Non-Fatal Strangulation, the recent change in legislation and link to Domestic Homicides.

Thursday 22nd June

  • An Introduction to Specialist Domestic Abuse Pet Fostering Services 11am-12pm, a joint Pets Trust Freedom Project and Cats Protection presentation, this aims to give advice on the connection between pets and DA and how to make a referral into the fostering service. 
  • Domestic Abuse & The Family Courts: Reading Risk & Hearing Harm 1-2pm, this session will explore key issues surrounding domestic abuse and the family courts with a focus on the voices of victims.  

Friday 23rd June

Vulnerability to Radicalisation (Pt 2) 10-11am, this session will cover in more detail the following areas, North Yorkshire and York context and risks, Radicalisation and vulnerability factors, Signs and Symbols for Far Right, Making a Prevent referral in NY, Case studies- role of Channel Panel.

For further information or to book onto the sessions outline above please visit:

Safeguarding Week 2023 - 19th-23rd June | North Yorkshire Partnerships (

There are many other fantastic sessions hosted by our partners and Partnerships from across North Yorkshire, City of York and East Riding – so do please see what is on offer as they are available to all.

The full programme of events is now open for viewing (see attached) and booking via

NYSAB Safeguarding Week 2023

Community Awards

published on 25th May 2023


This notice was last updated on 25th May 2023.

North Yorkshire Community Awards is currently open and closes on the 5th June.

They are looking for residents to nominate people in the following categories:

  • Best community group - Awarded to groups carrying out ongoing voluntary activity / activities in North Yorkshire.
  • Volunteer of the year - Awarded to individual volunteers carrying out voluntary activity / activities in North Yorkshire.
  • Caring for the environment - Awarded to groups who have demonstrated a commitment to delivering community-based initiatives that protect, restore, and enhance our natural environment, helping to tackle the causes and impacts of climate change or supporting nature to thrive.

 Information about the awards and the submission form is found online here:

Community awards | North Yorkshire Council

“Your Police Force, your say” - Commissioner Zoë to host online road safety meeting driven by interest from the public

published on 12th May 2023


This notice was last updated on 12th May 2023.

On Thursday 25th May 2023, Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe will host an online public meeting where she will scrutinise and hold the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police to account on behalf of the public's concerns.

Residents of York and North Yorkshire are invited to join the online public meeting which will include allotted time for the Commissioner to ask questions sent in by the public.

The topic for this meeting will centre on road safety and is the first in a series of public meetings between Commissioner Zoë and North Yorkshire Police that dives deeper into the areas of policing that the public want to hear about.

Questions relating to road safety are encouraged but questions for any area of policing and crime are welcome and should be submitted using the online form on the Commissioners website:

The purpose of these regular online public meetings is to hold the Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police to account for their delivery of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, to ensure the force is achieving its objectives and generating positive outcomes in the interests of the public. 

Commissioner Zoë says: 

"My online public meetings offer updates for the public in areas of concern, whilst providing full transparency on how I act as Commissioner to ensure services are delivering what they should be to keep residents of York and North Yorkshire safe and feeling safe. 

"It is within my role to be the voice of communities and to advocate for the people of North Yorkshire when challenging areas of policing. To do this, I need to hear from members of the public and so if you are a resident in our county, please send me your questions and tune in to watch them being answered. This is your police service, which needs your say.”

Commissioner Zoë would also like to remind residents of York and North Yorkshire to be respectful and considerate of others when sharing their thoughts or concerns. 

The online public meeting will be streamed live on Thursday 25 May at 14:30 and can be accessed via:

 ·        Commissioner’s website

·        YouTube Channel

·        or Facebook page

The meeting will also be recorded and become available to watch on the same channels at the public's convenience.

For more information on this new series of online public meetings please visit the Commissioner’s website:


Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee meeting

published on 20th Apr 2023


This notice was last updated on 20th Apr 2023.

Friday, 28 April 2023 at 10.00am at Selby

Civic Centre, Council Chamber, Doncaster Road, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9FT


Public Notice

Contact for a copy of the agenda.


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