Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - June 2021

The following update appears in June 2021 Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council Update 


Bus stop: The provision of bins has been agreed by City of York Council.

Planning: The District Council has advised that they expect to do a further round of consultation on the local plan in the late summer/early Autumn. This is expected to include some additional sites put forward since the consultation in March, and may include an emerging preference on the new settlement proposals.

Highways: The Parish Council has received another complaint about parking associated with the primary school. It was agreed to pass this to the primary school for now, but when Covid restriction have ended to explore whether there are more proactive steps that can be taken.

Shop: The desire for a Post Office and/or shop in the village was a key theme from the Neighbourhood Plan surveys. Cllr Hawes has agreed to develop proposals as how the Parish Council might support this ambition, including looking at community shop schemes operated in other villages.

Maintenance: Cllr Chambers has painted the wooden posts at the Jubilee memorial, and replanted the planters in front of the village signs. The bushes overhanging the coronation memorial are to be trimmed back to allow the area to be tidied.  

Council: The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 4th May. The annual governance and account statements were approved. Cllr Rowson and Cllr Reader agreed to continue as Chair and Vice-Chair for a further year to allow others to prepare to take-on these roles.

Parish Council meeting dates:   Councillors agreed to cancel June’s meeting. Assuming no major changes to easing of Covid restrictions the Council will return to physical meetings from July. Future meeting dates: 5th July, 6th September and 4th October. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: