Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine update - May 2021

The following update appears in May 2021 Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council Update 


Bus stop:

The passenger transport team at City of York Council are still pursuing the installation of bins, road markings, and getting the stops added to the ‘All York’ travel ticket zone.

A decision on additional lighting has been put on hold until next winter.


The Neighbourhood Plan working group are finalising documentation for informal public consultation, which will hopefully commence during May.


North Yorkshire County Council has confirmed that their schedule of work for 2021/22 includes the ‘village gateway’ on Skipwith Road, and dropped kerbs for accessibility at various junctions in the village.

The request for double yellow lines on Skipwith Road north of Dower Chase is still pending, as is the request for a 20mph zone on Carr Lane in the vicinity of the primary school.

The bridge on Main St has been repointed, and a bid for funding has been submitted to fully repair the leaning parapet.

Councillors: We welcome Glen Hopkinson onto the Council, who was co-opted at April’s meeting. We still have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.

Parish Council meeting dates:   May’s meeting has been rescheduled to 4th May.  From 6th May the Council is no longer legally allowed to hold online meetings, as this would require Government to amend Primary Legislation. Councillors will agree at May’s meeting how the Council will continue to operate, as not all Councillors are comfortable to return to physical meetings. If meetings do go ahead, the planned dates are 7th June and 5th July. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: