
Playground update - 8th December 2020

I’m pleased to announce that the Parish Council has agreed that the playground will revert to previous opening times from prior to lockdown – i.e. the playground will now close at dusk rather than 3pm.

Please can I ask for help complying with our rules, and the wider COVID regulations, to reduce the risk of having to reintroduce closures.

In particular, there is a limit of 20 people (adults and children) on the site, and each piece of equipment should only be used by one household at a time.

National legislation limits mixing in outdoor settings to 6 people (adults and children), and states that school bubbles do not apply outside of school.

Extract from National Guidance

You can see friends and family you do not live with (or do not have a support bubble with) outdoors, in a group of no more than 6. This limit of 6 includes children of any age. ‘Outdoors’ means in a private garden or other outdoor space (link).

Escrick Playground COVID rules:

Our rules are based on the government COVID guidelines to playground operators, and are part of our way of demonstrating that we have mitigations in place to minimise the spread of COVID as required under Health and Safety legislation:

  • A maximum of 20 people on site (adults and children combined)
  • Each piece of equipment is only to be used by one household or bubble at a time
  • Please clean points of contact on equipment before using (bring your own sanitising wipes or similar)
  • Thoroughly wash hands before and after attending
  • Do not use the site if you are required to self-isolate
  • Consider your family risk profile when deciding if it is appropriate to use the facility
  • No eating on site