Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - June 2020

As the Parish Magazine is not being published at the moment, this month’s update is online only.


The Chair and County Councillor plan to meet officials later this month to try to find a way forward on the A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme.

The Skipwith Road speed sign will be turned later in the month to run a trial period on southbound traffic.

Issues with the missing H bar marking at the Main St crossing, and overgrown foliage outside the Parsonage remain outstanding, and will be escalated with the highways authority.

Residents are reminded to ensure that foliage from their property does not obstruct pavements or exacerbate moss build-up (taking care not to disturb any nesting birds).

Council members:

Ian Reynolds has stood down as a Councillor. We thank Ian for his brief return to the Council. We have two vacancies at present.


The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site, and the application for clay extraction west of Escrick Business Park are both due to go to NYCC planning committee in July. 

The application for increased infill activity at the former brickworks quarry west of the business park has been resubmitted. Residents that commented on the previous application are encouraged to resubmit their comments using the new application reference, as comments against the previous application are not automatically carried across.

At the time of writing there is no significant update on the caravan park application on the former North Selby Mine site.

See our significant planning applications page for more details on the above applications.

The Neighbourhood Plan working group provided an update on their plans, in part adapting their plans to reflect the new work at District Council level on a new Local Plan for Selby District, new grant availability, and changes to working logistics due to Covid restrictions, further details can be found on the NDP section of our website.


The Parish Council agreed plans to replace the low level fence along the village green on Carrs Meadow. The Village Green Association (VGA) will cover the majority of the costs and coordinate the work. The Parish Council agreed to contribute £500 in lieu of the income that the VGA would normally have been received from the 10k and ‘Dinner on the Green’. The County Councillor also kindly committed £1,000 from his locality grant budget. 

Cllr Chambers has tended to the planters by the village signs, building new frames and planting new plants.

Cllr Rowson has varnished the Parish Council noticeboard, treated the Jubilee Monument with a memorial cleaner to reduce moss/lichen build-up, and cleared the overgrown buses behind the monument to allow replanting of suitable plants in the wall.

Various hedge trimming has taken place as agreed at May’s meeting.

The Village Green Association has undertaken work including laying a pipe to facilitate easier top-up of the pond from the beck, and repairing tyre tracks caused by an unauthorised vehicle over Christmas.

The Council noted the concerns reiterated by a resident regarding the build-up of moss and detritus on Wenlock Drive and the ongoing issue with bushes obstructing the footpath and exacerbating the moss/detritus build-up.  As path sweeping is a District Council responsibility, the Parish Council agreed to request additional sweeping from Selby District Council, and write to the residents responsible for overgrown bushes. The District Council will also be asked to sweep in/around the traffic islands at the A19 junctions.

The Council discussed establishing a working group to try to catalyse and progress appearance and environment initiatives. The Council felt that this was best lead as a voluntary activity at arm’s length from the Council, but that it would in principle be receptive to providing some funding where appropriate. A budget of up to £100 was allocated for plants in the wall behind the Jubilee Monument.

Parish Council meeting dates:  6th July, 7th September and 5th October. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: