Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - April 2020

The following update appeared in April's magazine

Escrick Parish Council:


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council has chased NYCC for an update, but at the time of writing had not received a reply.


The Parish Council considered options for further deployment locations of the VAS sign, and agreed that the next location to be trialled is Skipwith Road southbound. This will involve installing an additional mounting on the existing post, so that the sign can be alternated between northbound and southbound directions.



The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site is due to go to NYCC planning committee at the end of March. At the time of writing there is no significant update on the other major schemes in/around the Parish.


The Parish Council has made a response to Selby District Council’s consultation on their new local plan, which is available on the Parish Council website.


The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) team has put forward proposals for how to approach the ‘site selection’ stage of the NDP project. However, the Parish Council deferred making a decision on the approach until site submissions have been received later in the month. Cllr Bartle has volunteered to take-over the chair of the NDP project, when Cllr Rees stands down in April.



The Parish Council received a presentation from              Riccall and District Resilience Group explaining the work that they had done locally – preparing for situations such as floods, severe weather, power cuts, etc. The PC had agreed to review whether establishing something similar for Escrick.


Parish Council meeting dates:   6th April, 4th May and 1st June. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: