Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine update - November 2019

The following update will be published in November's Parish Magazine.

Escrick Parish Council:


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: At the time of writing we are waiting for the final proposal from North Yorkshire County Council, which is required to support our application for authority to borrow the funds for the scheme. This has taken longer than expected, but we continue to chase this along.

Vehicle activated speed sign: We have received a £1000 grant from North Yorkshire County Council towards the cost of a vehicle activated speed sign (approximately a third of the total cost). The sign will initially be located on Skipwith Road in the vicinity of the bridge, alternating between a southbound and northbound orientation. We can consider installing further mounting posts elsewhere in the village in future.


Street sweeping and tidying:

The Parish Council has a small budget to pay someone to undertake seasonal street sweeping on key pavements and footpaths in the village, and locations such as the bus shelter. If you may interested in this work, please contact Kevin Moran:


New Clerk:

We welcome Sally Look as the new Parish Council Clerk, following the resignation of the previous clerk for personal reasons in the summer.



Caravan / leisure park at former North Selby mine site: The proposed site has been reduced in scale, mitigating several of the concerns previously raised by the Parish Council. The Parish Council will continue to push for further mitigations to improve the quality of the proposals


Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application has been submitted for the phased ‘quarrying’ of clay from a 150 acre site north and west of the business park, over a period of 20 – 30 years from 2023. The Parish Council has raised concerns about the impact on highways (forecast ~ 100 additional HGV entries/exits per day), the loss of agricultural land and disruption from noise/dust. The Council is also seeking robust assurances that unlike other sites in the district that timely restoration will be enforced


Parish Council meeting dates:   4th November, 2nd December, 6th January. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: