Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - February 2017

The following update will appear in February's Parish Magazine on behalf of the Parish Council:

Parish Councillors: The Parish Council welcomes Mervin Casling, Tudor Rees and Kevin Moran, who were co-opted as Councillors at December's meeting - taking us back up to a full complement of eleven Councillors.

A19 safety: The Parish Council wrote to North Yorkshire Council in November, and received a reply in mid-December. The reply states that the 40mph limit is appropriate, but offers a follow-up meeting to discuss alternative ways to improve safety, which the Parish Council will take-up. Separately, the Community Speed Watch group is now established and has received training and equipment, and should start monitoring speeds on the A19 later in January. More details at:

Survey & Budget 2017/18: We received just over 60 survey responses to the survey, of these, 78% said they would support paying an increased precept in exchange for additional facilities/amenities. Frequent themes raised in comments were street lighting, road safety, bus service provision and tidiness and presentation of the village.

The Parish Council has set its precept for 2017/18 at £19,000 - which includes an increase to add additional street-lighting, maintain Parish Council trees, a provision for general village maintenance or lengthsman, and implement audit recommendations to replenish reserves. More details, including full budget, at:

North Yorkshire Mineral & Waste plan: The Parish Council has provided a comprehensive response to the consultation regarding sites affecting the Escrick Parish:

Grit bins: Highways have approved the proposed locations (outside Almshouses, Main St/Carr Lane junction and Carr Lane/The Glade junction), and hopefully these should be in place later in January.

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 6th February, 6th March, 3rd April, 8th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.