Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - October 2016

Parish Council Vacancies:

A number of our Councillors have stood down this summer - we thank them all for their significant contribution over recent years.

As a result we have a number of Parish Councillor vacancies - if you are interested or might be interested and want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council and its councillors can be found on our website,

A19 safety consultation:

In August the Council had a site meeting with NYCC Highways to discuss issues associated with crossing/joining the A19 in Escrick.

The Council intend to continue to escalate residents’ concerns regarding the A19 through the village.


The council has submitted an application via our NYCC Councillor for ‘locality funding’ to cover the costs of maintenance of the area around the fountain on A19 / Main St.

A pair of residents have volunteered to look at the feasibility of restoring the fountain to working order as a longer term initiative.

Budget 2017/2018:

The Council has received various suggestions for potential expenditure from residents - such as grit bins, extra lighting, extra grass cutting, or donations to local groups. The Council will consult with residents and consider these as part of its annual budgeting process in November/December.

Street lights:

The replacement programme is now largely complete (three lights remaining at the time of writing).

The Council continues to receive complaints regarding trees obscuring street lighting. A reminder - it is residents’ responsibilities to maintain trees on their land so that they do not obstruct street lighting, signs and pavements.


Concerns have been raised regarding parking on pavements and verges around the village. This causes a variety of problems, including obstructing the pavement, obscuring sight lines at key junctions, damaging the grass verges and in a couple of cases damage has occurred to water pipes beneath the verge. Residents and their visitors are requested to avoid parking on pavements.

War memorial:

The cleaning of the war memorial (located at the Church) has been completed, and the memorial looks much better for it.

Council responsibilities:

We recognise that many people are not clear on the different roles of the Parish Council, Selby District Council and North Yorkshire County Council.

We have put a summary of these on the Parish Council noticeboard on Main St and on our website:

Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016: 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club.