Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine Update - November 2016

Parish Council Vacancies: We have a number of vacancies for Parish Councillors at the moment. The Escrick Parish Council is the first tier of local government, representing residents of Escrick Parish. Parish Councillors are volunteers that help shape the actions of the Council - making decisions on how to spend the Council precept budget within the Parish, representing local interests, and overseeing various local amenities. The role requires a few hours per month of time, including attending the monthly Parish Council meeting. It’s a great way to get involved in a wide range of local issues and shape the local community.

If you are interested or simply want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council can be found on our website,

A19 safety: In response to recent concerns of speeding on the A19, we have the opportunity to establish a Community Speedwatch Initiative. This is where volunteers (with the support of the Police) monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. We are seeking volunteers, including someone to take a lead role in coordinating this activity locally. If you are interested please contact

Street lights: The Council has ordered modifications to two streetlights affected by trees, so that the lamp is further away from nearby tree branches. The Council has obtained pricing for some additional lighting, details are to be include in a planned consultation which is to be circulated on the Council budget for 2017.

Grit bins: North Yorks County Council has notified the Parish Council that Carr Lane will no longer be gritted. The Parish Council has agreed to procure three grit bins for key locations to partially mitigate the change in NYCC policy.

Village Sign Planters: We have a small flower bed in front of the Escrick village sign on the A19 (outside the garage). These bedding plants have been maintained by a couple of local volunteers, to whom we are very grateful. We are looking for new volunteers for 2017 to take over this role and keep these plants tidy and water them as necessary. If you may be interested please contact

Defibrillator & CPR training: We recently held a successful CPR training event in the village.

Please remember that there is now a public access defibrillator installed on the front wall of the Escrick & Deighton Club - available for anyone to use on someone suffering cardiac arrest. No training is necessary to use the defibrillator which gives audible instructions (

We also have a full CPR training kit and training DVDs. These are available for local groups to borrow - please contact the chair if you are interested:

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 7th November, 5th December, 9th January, 6th February, 6th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.