
A19 speed concerns reply

Further to the Parish Council's letter to the North Yorkshire County Council / North Yorkshire Police '95 Alive' partnership, we have received the following response:

Thank you for your report and concern regarding the speed of vehicles at the above location. With regards to the speeding complaint reported by you, speed and accident data has recently been obtained and has recently been reviewed by the Road Safety Partnership Team:-Having looked at the available information on roads safety in Escrick, we have decided unfortunately neither police enforcement nor road engineering works would be suitable. Data was gathered in March 2016 and it showed that vehicles do not often break the speed limits in your community. The speed data obtained indicates a mean (average) speed of 37/36 mph and an 85th %ile of 42/41 mph. The speed of vehicles at this location are well within the 40mph speed limit, which is appropriate for this road. We are happy to gather new data after three years, which in your instance would be March 2019.

The Parish Council intends to seek the opportunity to discuss the concerns further with NYCC, as we do not believe this initial response adequately answers the numerous points made in our letter, nor in the speed concern reports submitted.