Notices - Parish Magazine notices from Parish Council
Parish Magazine update - March 2018
published on 1st Mar 2018
The following appeared in March's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council update
Maintenance working group - The Parish Council has established a small working group to help resolve maintenance issues in public areas - either by reporting to the responsible body, or arranging to have the work undertaken if the Parish Council is responsible.
The Parish Council would welcome hearing from anyone interested in being contracted to undertake ad-hoc work (e.g. sweeping of footpaths, trimming bushes, etc). Please contact the chair (details below). The work is likely to generally consist of ad-hoc jobs of an hour or two in nature.
Tree & pond - Tree pruning is being undertaken on behalf of the Parish Council on The Glade, Main St and the playing fields during February and early March. The pond is being relined, and access to the surrounding area is prohibited until the work is complete.
Hedges & pavements - We continue to get complaints about hedges encroaching and overhanging pavements. Please can we politely remind residents that it is their responsibility to keep hedges trimmed and clear of pavements - and consider if pruning might be in order before the nesting season starts in earnest.
Spring clean - No spring clean is planned for 2018 due to limited turn-out at recent events.
Grit bins - The Parish Council considered a request for additional grit bins, and decided not to increase the number of grit bins. The existing bins cover areas of high footfall to public amenities such as the school and village hall. Councillors were concerned about creating a precedence of providing grit bins for all parts of the Parish which could be costly.
Street lighting - An additional light has been installed on the A19 by the business park to assist bus-stop users. At the time of writing this is awaiting Northern Powergrid to finish the supply connection. Thank you to the local residents for trimming of the adjacent tree/bushes to allow the light to be more effective.
Minerals and waste - The Council continues to monitor the situation with regard to the proposed waste sorting plant at Stillingfleet, and proposed quarry west of the A19. At the time of writing there has been no significant change on either proposal.
Vacancies - We currently have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. This is a good opportunity to represent residents and have your input into where the Parish Council focuses its efforts and how it spends its budget. If you might be interested, and would like to learn more about the role, you’re welcome to chat to existing Councillors or the Chair (details below).
Parish Council meeting dates: No ordinary meeting in March - a brief Finance & Admin meeting will be held instead. Future ordinary meetings: Monday 9th April, 14th May, 4th June, 2nd July. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Parish Magazine update - February 2018
published on 1st Feb 2018
The following appeared in February's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council update
Pavements - The Parish Council has made representations to both North Yorkshire County Council (responsible for maintenance) and Selby District Council (responsible for street cleaning) about the condition of pavements in the village. NYCC has evaluated the feedback, and where appropriate repairs have been carried out or scheduled. SDC are currently considering options for addressing the issues raised.
Grit bins - A reminder that there are four grit bins in Escrick. These are for community spirited residents to use to spread grit on pavements/junctions in icy weather. The Parish Council provides the grit, but doesn’t provide a grit spreading service. Please do feel free to grab an old plant pot and spread grit on the pavement, or problematic patches of road. The grit is not for use on private paths and driveways - you can buy grit from DIY stores. More details see
Dog fouling - A reminder that Selby District Council can levy fines of up to £1000 on those responsible for dog fouling. If you know who is responsible please report incidents promptly and directly. See for more details.
Beacon of lights commemoration: Escrick is considering taking park in the Beacons of Light Tribute on 11th November to mark 100 years of remembrance. This is likely to consist of a brief gathering and lighting of a beacon. We would like to gauge the level of interest in attending, please let any Parish Councillor know if you would be interested in attending. More details:
Street lighting - An additional light has been ordered for the A19 by the business park to assist bus-stop users. This is due to be installed in late January/early February.
Oak trees - As many residents have noticed, it was sadly necessary for NYCC to remove the two oak trees on Wenlock Drive. We recognise that these old trees were far older that Wenlock Drive itself, but unfortunately both were in bad condition, suffering honey fungus and hollowing of the trunk and roots. This had resulted in at least two instances where substantial branches fell, damaging a car and putting pedestrians at risk. The tree surgeon removing the trees confirmed that the diagnosis was correct, and the hollow trunks were very evident. NYCC will remove the stumps and reinstate the grass verge in its place.
Defibrillator volunteer - The village has a public access defibrillator located on the front wall of the club. This is for anyone to use in the case of a cardiac emergency. We are looking for a volunteer to undertake the weekly check of the defibrillator (very easy, it involves little more than checking that the ‘ok’ icon is illuminated). It would be convenient for someone that regularly attends playgroup or the tea-shop to do on their way past. Please contact the chair if you are willing to help.
Neighbourhood Development Plan - the Parish Council is about to appoint a project manager/consultant to assist with the development of the NHDP, which is expected to take around 24 months. The role will be funded by grant funding.
Vacancy - We currently have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. This is a good opportunity to represent residents and have your input into where the Parish Council focuses its efforts and how it spends its budget. If you might be interested, and would like to learn more about the role, you’re welcome to chat to existing Councillors or the Chair (details below).
Parish Council meeting dates: Monday 5th February, 5th March, 9th April, 14th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Parish Magazine update - January 2018
published on 1st Jan 2018
The following appeared in January's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if you are interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
Village maintenance: Thank you to everyone who helped with the ‘Autumn Clean’ event in mid-November, your help was really appreciated. The Parish Council is also working with Selby District Council and North Yorkshire County Council to get several issues relating to pavements resolved. One area where residents could help, would be in ensuring that bushes/hedges do not overhang nor obstruct the pavements.
Budget/Precept: The Parish Council agreed to keep the precept for 2018/19 unchanged from 2017/18 levels. Details
Parish Council meeting dates: Monday 8th January, 5th February, 5th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Parish Magazine update - November 2017
published on 1st Nov 2017
The following appeared in November's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if you are interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council accepted an invite to visit Plasmor’s existing quarry at Hemingbrough to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19. The visit was helpful to understand the plans, but key concerns regarding traffic, and the risk of the site being used for landfill, remain. Plasmor advise that an application for planning permission is likely to be submitted in late in 2018, albeit some Councillors believe it may be sooner.
Grass cutting: The PC are seeking suppliers to undertake grass cutting of the village green, playing fields and verges - any potential suppliers are requested to contact for an information pack.
Local plans: Both York and Selby councils are consulting on their local plans. The latest version of the York plan has limited impact upon Escrick (having removed sites previously included adjacent to the village). The Selby plan includes potential housing sites in Escrick, but these may not be required due to a surplus of suitable sites. The planning working group will develop a response to the Selby consultation.
Carr Lane parking: Following complaints about dangerous parking on Carr Lane associated with school pick-up/drop-off, the police have confirmed that they will take enforcement action (fines of up to £1000, and 3 penalty points). They have written to all parents at the school and have been undertaking a mix of uniformed and plain-clothed visits.
Drains/sewage: Yorkshire water advise that fat blockages and a failed pumped were the cause of recent sewage leaks. They advise that the problem has been resolved and that they will be undertaking regular inspections to try to prevent a reoccurrence.
Village maintenance: The PC is coordinating an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. See separate notice.
Parish Council meeting dates: Monday 6th November, 4th December, 8th January, 5th February. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Parish Magazine update - October 2017
published on 1st Oct 2017
The following note appeared in October's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: Cllr Musgrave (County Councillor) reported that he had had several meetings with highways, and that the preferred solution would be to install traffic lights at the Skipwith Rd/A19 junction - the key issue is finding funding for the scheme.
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council have accepted an invite for a site visit to Plasmor to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19.
Village maintenance: A dog waste bin has been installed on the footpath by the beck on Skipwith Road. Following the success of the “Spring Clean” earlier in the year, the PC will coordinate an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. Hold the date, more details next month - many volunteers welcomed!
Parish Council meeting dates: (No August meeting) Monday 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Parish Magazine update - September 2017
published on 1st Sep 2017 (updated on 7th Oct 2017)
The following update will appear in September's Parish Magazine
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: Cllr Musgrave (County Councillor) reported that he had had several meetings with highways, and that the preferred solution would be to install traffic lights at the Skipwith Rd/A19 junction - the key issue is finding funding for the scheme.
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council have accepted an invite for a site visit to Plasmor to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19.
Village maintenance: A dog waste bin has been installed on the footpath by the beck on Skipwith Road. Following the success of the “Spring Clean” earlier in the year, the PC will coordinate an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. Hold the date, more details next month - many volunteers welcomed!
Parish Magazine update - August 2017
published on 1st Aug 2017 (updated on 7th Oct 2017)
The following update will appear in August's Parish Magazine
Parish Councillor vacancy: We have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: NYCC have surveyed the location to evaluate installation of a puffin crossing, but advise that there is insufficient distance from the junction. The County Councillor is exploring options with the highways team and will report back to us.
Pavements: Residents are reminded to try to keep pavements clear for pedestrians, wheelchairs users and parents with pushchairs. In particular please avoid parking on pavements, please try to keep hedges trimmed, and please place bins/recycling crates to minimise obstruction.
Excavation of clay: The Parish Council would like to make residents aware of a recent planning application to expand clay mining west of the A19, and build a new access road to the B1222. The Parish Council will be objecting to the proposal ( )
Street lighting: The Parish Council has ordered an additional light for each of Main St and Carr Lane to address dark spots reported by residents. Plans for a streetlight on the A19 by the business park are being reviewed, as the business park and its tenants were unwilling to cover the cost of installing a light at this location. One of the street lamps on Skipwith Road will be temporarily out of service to allow for changes to the electricity supply.
Village maintenance: The Parish Council agreed to put on hold plans to recruit a “lengthsman", as recent voluntary initiatives have been quite successful. The Parish Council has agreed to procure a dog waste bin for the footpath alongside the beck, which the Escrick Estate have kindly offered to empty. Plans for tree maintenance will be brought to September’s meeting. The Parish Council expresses its gratitude to the group of residents that have kindly taken on the planting and maintaining of flowers by the village signs.
Neighbourhood development plan: Preparatory work is ongoing, and work is expected to begin in earnest on this in the Autumn.
Parish Magazine Update - June 2017
published on 5th May 2017
The following update will appear in June's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: A site meeting has been held with NYCC to discuss options for improving the pedestrian crossing on the A19. NYCC agreed to investigate the feasibility of crossing improvements.
Neighbourhood Development Plan: The planning working group has started evaluating the feasibility of putting together a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Following a positive meeting with Appleton Roebuck (who have recently developed a plan), the next step is to investigate funding options.
Councillor vacancy: After nearly seven years on the council, Councillor Lamont has stood down, creating a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk or the Chair in the first instance (details below).
Parish Magazine Update - May 2017
published on 7th Apr 2017
The following update will appear in May's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: The A19 in Escrick has now been designated as a police safety camera van location. This means that police camera vans will be located on the A19 in Escrick from time to time to catch speeding and other offences. As a result of this, the Community Speed Watch group has had to stand down, as the police do not allow CSW and camera vans to operate on the same section of road. The Parish Council is very grateful for the volunteers that have given their time to CSW during its short period of operation. Separately, a site meeting is scheduled with NYCC to discuss options for improving the pedestrian crossing on the A19.
Annual meetings: The ‘Annual Meeting of the Parish Council’ and the ‘Annual Parish Meeting’ will take place on Monday 8th May at 7.30pm at the Club. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Fountain area: Now the weather has improved, work has been scheduled to repaint the posts and replace the chains around the fountain area.
Parish Magazine update - April 2017
published on 9th Mar 2017
The following update will appear in April's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Spring Clean: The Parish Council is very grateful to all the volunteers who took part in the ‘Escrick Spring Clean’ on Saturday/Sunday 4th/5th March. Many areas were given a thorough tidy-up, more than filling two 660 litre commercial bins with leaves, moss and other waste. Areas covered include the bus shelter War Memorial, Coronation memorial benches, Jubilee fountain area, Carr Lane footpaths and area around Main St junction, The Glade, A19 pavements & crossing islands, footpath between A19/Skipwith Road, footpaths leading to the playground, and the under 5s area of the playground. We are also very grateful to the support of Selby District Council who provided bins, bags, and litter pickers free of charge - and to Cllrs Morley Jones and Councell for organising. We hope to have a repeat event in autumn after leaf fall.
Escrick sign planter: We have a small flower planter in front of the ‘Escrick’ village sign on the A19 (near the garage). The volunteers who have kindly maintained this in recent times have now stood down, and we are looking for one or more new volunteers to take over the planting and occasional watering of flowers in this area. If you are interested, please contact
Dogs on Village Green: A complaint was received by the Parish Council regarding dogs being allowed to run freely on the Village Green - this is not allowed. The notices that were on the Green have been either damaged /removed and will be replaced. You can take your dogs across the Green on a lead to get to Gassey Wood, but please clean up after your dogs.
Business park street lighting: We are working with Escrick Business Park to explore the possibility of street lighting by the bus stops in this area.
Stillingfleet Mine redevelopment: Although outside the Parish, Escrick Parish Council will be objecting to the proposal to redevelop the site as a waste transfer station - with associated HGV traffic.
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